Miss Fairest of the Fair

16 - 20 years old

Monday, July 1st, 5:00 pm | inside the Smith County Ag Center

(Contestants MUST be ready for interviews at 4:00 p.m.)

Johnna Craighead – Pageant Chairperson
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  1. Entry fee is $30. NO REFUNDS. Open to all counties.
  2. Entrant is and always has been a female and has reached her 16th birthday by the date of pageant, but not her 21st birthday on or before December 31, 2024. Pageant staff has the right to request proof of age.
  3. Resident cannot qualify to compete if she is married, ever been married, is pregnant, ever been pregnant or been convicted of a felony. Winner must relinquish crown if she gets married, gets pregnant or is convicted of a felony during her year of reign.
  4. Entrant will continue to be a person of good moral character, affirms that she has not committed and will not commit any act inconsistent with the highest standards of public morals and convictions or that reflect unfavorable on the Smith County Fair Pageant, its representatives, sponsors and/or the county.
  5. Winner is REQUIRED to compete at the state pageant/convention January 2025 in Nashville. Fees will be provided by fair association which includes room and all entry fees. The competition includes attending various events during the 3 day convention. WINNER WILL MISS 1.5 DAYS OF SCHOOL. If the winner cannot attend, the crown will be relinquished and given to the first runner up.
  6. Deadline for pageant entry is June 30, 2024 and entry must be postmarked by June 30, 2024.
  7. Contestant, parent, and/or legal guardian must agree to abide by all pageant rules, regulations and must sign release form.
  8. Dress must be floor length formal.
  9. Winner will be REQUIRED to attend some fair events and REQUIRED to make appearances during her year of reign. Appearances are at the discretions of the chairperson and/or executive board member/s. Winner cannot make appearances without the consent of pageant director and all appearances are at the discretion of the pageant director and/or executive board member/s.
  10. There will be a Most Photogenic. The entry fee is $10. Photo MUST be a 5×7 or smaller. Submit photo with entry or bring photo the day of pageant. Photo will be returned the night of the pageant.
  11. There will be a People’s Choice Award for the contestant with most $1 votes. (Crown will be given to winner)
  12. Judges will choose a Winner, First Runner Up, and Second Runner Up. Judges decisions are final.
  13. Fees are due by the deadline June 30, 2024. EXACT CASH or TWO CHECKS (if you want to be in photogenic).
  14. June 30, 2024 will be an OPTIONAL day to come and practice on stage before pageant at the AG Center from 1:00-3:00pm.

ENTRY FORMS are available online and available for pick up at the Smith County Register of Deeds 122 Turner High Circle, Suite 113 (Turner Building), Carthage